Hi! I'm not gonna use my real name on this website (even though you maybe have gotten here from somewhere I do use it), but I use 'binja' online a lot. I am from Hawaii and I like the photography, technology (especially old computers or different operating systems), writing, history, and generally learning about other people and places or cultures.
I don't really have a reason for making a website other than being bored and wanting to. Maybe have an easier place to send people my photography as well. That being said, I do intend to update and write things on here once in a while so hopefully that pans out.
This site was made for Firefox on the desktop, but it should display fine in any modern browser (hopefully). Also, this website functional without JavaScript, though you will have to click on the titles of blog and photography entries.
If you have visited the site before and now experience broken styling on elements, stuff like images being incorrectly sized or incorrect colors, I think it's probably because I updated the site but your browser still has a cache of the old version. Press shift+f5 or ctrl+f5 or ctrl+shift+r to fully refresh and it should be resolved.
Thanks for checking it out! :D